Monday, June 6, 2016

Week 49

Guys...I'm SO close to walking these day!  I can easily stand up in the middle of the room without holding onto anything.  And, if two people sit across from each other I try really really hard to walk between them, but I get so excited that I start flailing my arms and swinging my head that I just plop right down.  I've take a step, maybe two before falling but Mommy isn't counting it as walking.  It's more like "not falling".

This weeks fabric is a bit of a mystery.  Mom's been SO good about keeping track of who gave me what, and why, that she can't believe she let one fall through the cracks.  So, we aren't quite sure who picked out this super cute school fabric, but we sure do love it!  If it's yours, can you let my Mommy know?  She picked it out for this week because coming up on my 1 year birthday I've changed so much and learned so much!  It really is quite crazy how fast a year flies by!

Update:  We figured it out!!  This fabric came from a friend of my Grandma's named Theresa.  He daughter and Grandma used to teach together for a long long time before Grandma retired and went to work at the local Catholic school.  Anyways, thanks so much Theresa!

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