Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Week 43

Lots of first for me this week.  I went to the water park for the first time and learned how to suck out of the little food pouches (Mommy was excited about that).  I also learned how to clap and I learned how to eat snacks out of those little food cups with lids (another one Mommy is really happy about).  And, I got my first flu.  That was not idea....it's been a long couple of days.  Being sick is not fun at all!  But, Mommy was able to get this great shot of me this week.

This weeks fabric came from a very good family friend, Carolyn.  When Mommy was little she would spend the afternoons after school at Carolyn's house until Grandma got home.  She has SO many memories with the Fletcher family.  The fabric is actually the spines of books.  Carolyn picked it because she knows Mommy loves to read and because there is a really memorable story about the time that Carolyn took all the kids to the library one day in the rain.  I can't wait to hear it!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 42

See how happy I am that it's starting to feel like summer outside?  Shoot, I'll take spring even, but this warm summer weather has us all feeling a little happier these days!  Mom says it's time for me to start eating more real food so we've been trying lots of things.  I had peanut butter for the fist time yesterday.  It was good.  I got messy.

This week's fabric came from Grandma's friend, Carol.  She picked it out for lots of reasons.  She said she liked that it was bright green and cheery...for a happy baby like me.   It has flowers and ladybugs because she loves to garden...and it has clovers for good luck always.  Thanks Carol, I love it!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 41

We're wishin' and hopin' for spring around here!  We've had the strangest weather these days.  The sun will be shining one minute and then we'll have a snow storm the next.  I know my sister is SUPER excited for spring and all things "outside".  This week's fabric came from Betsy (and her two cute boys, Bradley and Brennan).

I've had a few first this week too!  I'm now standing on my own (without holding on to anything) for about 5 or 6 seconds.  Walking probably isn't too far away!  I'm also starting to wave "Hi' now too which Mommy thinks is super fun!  She says she loves this age.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 40

This week it's starting to feel like Spring around here, well, kinda.  On Saturday it was snowing like crazy, but Sunday we spent a few hours outside playing on the swing set, scooping up poop, and doing yard work.  Daddy even let me crawl around in the grass for the first time!  Mommy says I'm much less afraid of grass than my sister was when she was my age.  The other first for this week was that I'm starting to stand without holding on to anything.  And, I'm slowly starting to push things.  I'm not fast at it by any means but I'm getting closer and closer to walking.

This week's fabric came from Mom's Aunt Peggy.  I guess that means she is my great aunt.  She picked it out because she loves to study the stars.  Maybe now that it's getting warmer out I can go outside and see the stars at night too?  My bedtime is pretty early though!