Monday, October 26, 2015

Week 17

There seems to be a battle of sorts happening at my house these days.  Nearly everyday Daddy says something along the lines of "Go Bears" and then my sister gets all mad and starts shouting "We don't say that...we say Go Pack Go".  Daddy's pretty adamant that I'm going to be a Bears fan but Abby want's me to be a Packer fan.  Mommy?  She's pretty quiet on this subject...but I DO see her wearing a lot of green and gold these days.  Clearly this weeks fabric is Bears and Daddy seems pretty happy about it.

I've been learning how to blow bubbles with my mouth this week which makes my shirt all wet...all the time!  But I sure do love the sound it makes.  I'm sleeping in my crib for most of the night now too.  Not the whole night though.  Once I cry a few times in an hour Mommy scoops me up and puts me right back in my rock and play so the whole family can sleep again.  It think it's a pretty fun game.  Mommy's not so sure.

Lots of people have been saying that I look a lot like my sister so check out this picture of her just a few weeks older than I am now.  We are basically the same baby right?  Mommy also thought it was funny that this was my sister's 17 week picture....she didn't even plan it.  She let my sister pick my fabric for this week and she chose Bears.  Too funny right??

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