Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 39

Hi!!  Tomorrow is my 9 month birthday...can you believe it??  This week my new trick is shaking my head no.  Well, not really no, I don't quite understand when to use it...but boy is it fun.  I just shake my head back and forth really fast and everyone thinks it's pretty funny to watch.  I'm chatting more and more everyday and getting new phrases.  Like Baba, LaLa, ect.  Abby love to tell Momma all of the new words I'm saying (even if she thinks I'm way more advanced than I really am - like Abby, Lily and Ruby), but she's a great encourager and tries to get me to say Go Pack, Go almost every day.  I'm also getting pretty good at this moving around thing.  I can go from one thing to another, like the couch to the chair while hanging on tight.  I also started pushing around things with wheels like Abby's little wagons or her dump truck.

This week's fabric is from Mommy's friend, Deb.  She has sheep that she sells at the fair each year and she thought this fabric might be fun.  Mom says it will be a great addition to the quilt she'll be making for me!  We both thought it was perfect for around Easter time...did you know people eat something called lamb butter??  How strange.

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