Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 28

Guys, I'm feeling so much better this week!  I'm over the RSV cold I had over break and I'm happy as can be.  Oh, and guess what else.  I've learned how to sleep!  Mommy's been afraid to jinx it but I've been sleeping through the night now for about two weeks now.  I might wake up once during the night but I just fuss a little and go back to sleep.  No more hour long cry fests for me.  I'm not sure what changed, if it's age, or my cold that made me so sleepy, or maybe a few visits to the chiropractor, but sleep is awesome!  Mom thinks so too.

This week's fabric came from Daddy's Aunt Corda.  She's the sweetest lady.  I've met her and snuggled with her a few times.  She has a few granddaughters of her own so she's a pro at baby snuggles.  She said she picked out this fabric because she loves doing puzzles, and she even has a puzzle that looks just like this one.  Seems like that one would be hard!  My sister loves puzzles too so she was super excited when she saw this weeks fabric.  I told her I would share it with her when Mommy's done making my quilt.

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