Friday, June 30, 2017

2 Years!!

Well, and just like that, in the blink of an eye, I'm 2!!  I mean, can you believe it?  Mommy can't!  We've done a whopping 64 of these pictures now and this is the final one.  Yesterday was my second birthday and while we didn't do a big shindig like we normally do, I'm going to end up having about 27 smaller birthday parties, which is fine by me!!  Let's spread all the cake and ice cream out over the entire week!

At two years old, I have a personality all my own and so many little words coming out of my little brain each day.  Having all those older kids around at daycare has sure given me a whole new vocabulary that cracks everyone up.  Mommy says I'm the sweetest, funniest little girl with a toothy smile and a hug for anyone just about anytime they ask.  I love my "racoooon" from Auntie and I take her (or the other version of her) along with me everywhere.  See, you can even see her here in this picture, albeit, with her dress over her face.  I still eat all. the. things and love snacks more than life itself.  And water...water is by far the most requested item in this house these days.  Now, "Waerrrr....with ice" (eye roll).  Most of my sentences start with "A" "a waerrr?" "a Abby at?", "A cookie"...."A sucker?"  You get the drift.  I know lots of songs, or really just melodies, I get the words mixed up but I know how they are supposed to sound.  I'm trying to count, though I get the numbers wrong and I'm trying to learn colors too.  I say most things are Pink or Blue but someone always corrects me and then I repeat the right color.

I love dolls and animals more than my sister ever did and I love reading books.  Abby uses it as a delay tactic, but I really do love reading them.  I'll pull one from the shelf and bring it to anyone that will sit down with me and read it.  I'm much more adventurous and dangerous than Abby was, but I think that's because I have a big sister to follow around and learn from.  I'm a good sharer, most of the time and I'm starting to love coloring and stickers.

While this is the final post from me in this book, Mommy promises to share tons and tons of pictures of me over on our family blog.

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